Folder Player Archive of what was new

(Dec 2022) 4.24

  • New Setting: 3rd "rewind" button in Notification
  • Fixed: Android Auto compatibility with playlists
  • Improved French translation
  • Some crashes fixed

(Nov 2022) 4.23

  • "Skip Seconds" setting now works with external media Buttons
  • More "Empty Notification" fixes
  • Other minor bug fixes and improvements

(Nov 2022) 4.22

  • Improved Search - now separate words treated as "AND" condition, not as exact match for a phrase
  • Fixed potential error where latest position of the paused playback is not saved
  • Improved "What's New" dialog
  • Another attempt to fix sticky empty notifications in some exotic situations

(Oct 2022) 4.21

  • Fixed: "Where Was I" button is less distracting now
  • Fixed: non-removable empty notification
  • Fixed: Sleep Timer fixes for some non-english locales
  • Fixed: Android Auto: remember playlist after reconnection

(July 2022) 4.20

  • Fixed: App restart breaks notification (notification would be empty or present after app shutdown)

(July 2022) 4.19

  • Fixed: Custom Home Dir breaks playback display
  • Fixed: .nomedia file does not hide dirs
  • Fixed: App would not exit completely on shutdown
  • Fixed: Blue background to indicate current tracks
  • Updated: more structured settings screen
  • New: Setting to pause upon loss of Audio Focus by other apps
  • New: Setting to auto start on Bluetooth connection
  • New: 45 min sleep option

(May 2022) 4.18

  • Improved loading times for long lists (and slow SD cards)
  • New: Option to swap Artist and track Title
  • Updated: More compact text in widget
  • Updated: Large layout is larger
  • Fixed: "Keep screen unlocked" issue on Android 8+

(Apr 2022) 4.17

  • Updated: showing missing files in M3U (Pro)
  • Updated: larger text in landscape mode
  • Updated: FR and DE translations
  • Fixed: losing Bluetooth controls connectivity after pause

(Mar 2022) 4.16

  • Fixed: Android Auto - hanging at start for some devices
  • Fixed: rewind when non-standard speed activated
  • Fixed: active tags now showing for playing tracks in folder
  • Fixed: can't return to root in file selection dialogs
  • Fixed: double pause in "replay all" mode
  • Fixed: continuous playback of folders (Pro) would stop is some cases
  • Fixed: crossfading when hitting Next
  • Fixed: wrong seconds in time remaining

(Nov 2021) 4.15

  • - New: import/export of tags (favorites)
  • - New: Large text mode has larger folders now
  • - Fixed: more Huawei glitches
  • Fixed: anomalies in Android Auto
  • Fixed: optimizations for reading large dirs
  • Fixed: numerous Android 11+ glitches

(Sep 2021) 4.14

  • New: ignoring system Mac files starting with "._"
  • Fixed: irregularities in folder list display
  • New: if mp3 tags missing, display folder name instead
  • New: ability to skip to beginning for paused tracks
  • Fixed: disappearing media controls in notification after app restart
  • Fixed: notification stuck after restarting app
  • Fixed: Some car models would not pause tracks using dashboard buttons
  • Fixed Android 11 file delete issues
  • Display bitrate and size in active track
  • Search does not need reindexing anymore

(May 2021) 4.10

  • New: playback controls in red Auto-Delete popup
  • New: setting to show file path in notification area
  • Fixed: OGG crash on Android 6 and 7
  • Fixed: "Where was I" button in M3U playlists

(Mar 2021) 4.10

  • Fixed: Auto Delete feature
  • New: +2 levels for sleep timer
  • Fixed: XFading glitch when skipping tracks

(Jan 2021) 4.9.9

  • Fixed: Android Auto: autoplay of next folder
  • AWB audio file support
  • Fixed: playing next track after search
  • Fixes: showing empty tags in Android 11

(Nov 2020) 4.9.8

  • added OPUS tags support
  • fixed anomalies with super long track fast forward
  • fixed anomalies with next folder auto play
  • Player would auto start playback upon launch from position 0 under some conditions
  • Fix for devices which cannot detect sd cards
  • more Huawei workarounds

(July 2020) 4.9.7

  • New Red-on-Black theme
  • Auto mark folders with saved position (narrow yellow stripe on the left)
  • Option to freeze toolbar
  • Fixed disappearing toolbar (with back button)
  • Fixed widget layout (on some devices)
  • Fixed white theme on non-english locales
  • Updated Spanish and French translations (can somebody check them?)
  • Pro: fixed: if "play next folder" is activated, Next button would not switch folders

(June 2020) 4.9.6

  • New: Sliding toolbar
  • New: After search: playback continues with next track in the found folder
  • Fix: In short: Some tracks would play once and stop. Long version: This happens in "in-folder" playback when user plays on inactive track after list of files was shuffled already. Effectively, list would not shuffle in this scenario.

(May 2020) 4.9.5

  • New: Replay Gain option (volume equalization)
  • New: 0.5 - 0.9 speeds added
  • New: fade out for sleep timer
  • New: footer.jpg prioritized as an album image
  • Fixed: Invoking from external apps shows original dir
  • Fixed: UI glitch after deleting track
  • Fixes: Some Huawei workarounds (notifications)

(Apr 2020) 4.9.4

  • New: Play-next-folder now works from inside dirs
  • Fixed: disappearing 2nd track sound on gapless (on some platforms)
  • Fixed: deleting file glitch while in playing mode

(Mar 2020) 4.9.3

  • Fixed: phantom notifications (on some platforms)
  • Fixed: a couple of "play next folder" bugs
  • Fixed: Equalizer anomalies
  • New images for context menu and tags
  • updated Polish translations

(Feb 2020) 4.9.2

  • New: Magic ability to show more connected drives
  • Fixed: Stray notifications after app shutdown (Bluetooth - related)
  • Fixed: Displaying correct path in "Play Next"
  • Fixed: Various issues for displaying active track in some situations
  • Fixed: Losing track position in gapless mode in some situations
  • Fixed: Problem deleting folder shortcut
  • Fixed: progress bar glitches for huge files
  • Change: Limited # of top menu items to avoid settings lockouts on some devices
  • Change: Shortened app menu to accomodate smaller devices
  • Fixed: Accessibility for "Next" button
  • German translation updates
  • Fixed: some workarounds for Huawei (facepalm again, whats wrong with them)

(Jan 2020) 4.9.1

  • New: tagging while playing track in folder
  • New: blue highlight for all parent dirs, not just playing track
  • New: folder shuffle popup stays longer (settings)
  • Fixed: track menu button made larger and easier to hit
  • Fixed: some playback speed change crashes
  • Fixed: showing artist\title in notification on cold start
  • Fixed: layout "jump" glitch in some situations
  • Fixed: stop\start menu button crash after cold start
  • Fixed: some glitches with Huawei again (facepalm)

(Nov 2019) 4.9

  • New: change playback speed
  • New: Light theme
  • Car bluetooth stability improvements
  • Fixed: Track position would go to 0 on app restart
  • ... and other fixes

(Oct 2019) 4.8.2

  • New: .nomedia file support
  • Fixed sorting with numbers in the filename
  • Fixed: blank notification pulldown on start
  • Improved translations

(June 2019) 4.8

  • Android Auto (initial) support
  • Menu/"Battery Use" option to help manage Android Power
  • Fixed: auto reshuffling of tracks after playlist replay (if you had a feeling you heard this song already - this is it)
  • Fixed: unwanted playback start when using external controls in some situations
  • "Where Was I" circle repositioned for better visibility
  • Context menu moved slightly to the left to reduce interference with scrolling
  • Fixed: scroll-to-searched
  • Fixed: inability to play searched item from large search results
  • Fixed: playback using media button right after application start
  • Fixed: progress bar would freeze on autorotation

(May 2019) 4.7.3

  • Fixed: blue background glitches
  • Fixed: Back button scrolled to the top
  • Fixed: Crash when sharing playing file in folder
  • Rearranged context menu for easier access
  • Updated German translation

(Apr 2019) 4.7.2

  • Stability improvements (Out of memory crashes)
  • Battery improvements when app is working in the background
  • Fixed: navigating progress bar when paused

(Mar 2019) 4.7

  • New: Fast scrolling
  • New: copy file feature
  • New: auto play on app start
  • New: Opus support
  • New: Sorting now honors track numbers
  • New vertical context menu
  • Other minor improvements

(Feb 2019) 4.6.5

  • New: Stereo balance setting
  • New: Folder counter to display in car dashboard
  • Fixed: playback notification when starting playback from top menu
  • Fixed: Auto-jump to current track when opening folder
  • Fixed: Skip buttons tweaked for better precision

(Dec 2018) 4.6.4

  • Denoting 1234-5678-like folder as SD Card, for clarity
  • Fixed: play order issue when playing folder AND switching to shuffle at the top menu.
  • Fixed: colors would make text invisible sometimes in notifications

(Oct 2018) 4.6.2

  • New: Customizing menu
  • Fixed: Rebuild Search Database button is back

(Oct 2018) 4.6.1

  • New: Skip buttons can be repurposed to skip time
  • New: Setting to play on device start
  • New: Midi format support
  • New Option: Menu at the bottom
  • Fixed: Switching Bluetooth without pausing
  • Fixed: display anomaly after deleting tracks
  • Fixed: Equalizer dropdown background color
  • Fixed: Broken gapless settings

(Sep 2018) 4.6

  • New: BASIC m3u playlist support - let me know what you think!
  • Fixed: Equalizer settings would reset after app restart
  • Changed: Sleep timer moved to main menu for convenience
  • Changed: Repeat mode moved to main menu to make it easier to use

(Aug 2018) v.4.5.1 (Pro)

  • New: first image inside folder is used as an album art
  • Fixed: move and delete files on external cards
  • Fixed: text visibility issues in settings
  • Fixed: file sharing in new Android versions

(July 18) v.4.5 (Pro)

  • New (expandable) notification widget
  • Updated widgets (and +1 new)
  • Fixed current track anomaly when deleting tracks
  • Updated an removed permissions

(May 18) v.4.4.5 (Pro)

  • Fixed Search
  • Better access for attached drives
  • Other minor improvements
  • Better compatibility with Bluetooth devices
  • Anomalies in settings for non-English versions

(Apr 18) v.4.4.4 (Pro)

  • "Gapless" is now an option
  • Eqzr button is always visible now
  • Gapless anomalies in "Queue" mode fixed

(Mar 18) v.4.4.3 (Pro)

  • New Updated UI to fit more elements
  • Fixed queue crashes
  • Fixed invocation from external apps
  • Other stability improvements

(Feb 18) v.4.4 (Pro)

  • New: playback is gapless now
  • New: playback does not depend on (potentially incorrect) values of length in mp3 tags for non-crossfading mode
  • Fixed: in "in folder" mode, deleting shuffled item glitch
  • Fixed: playback would restart after phone call after playlist ended


  • Fixed "freezing" progress bar
  • Fixed headset triple click to play previous
  • Fixed play icon would not always change to "paused" on newer devices
  • Fixed auto play when headset plugged in during phone call

(Nov 2017) v.4.3.2

  • New sleep option
  • Better SD Card detection
  • Fixed some crashes and other minor problems

(Nov 2017) (Pro-only) v.4.3.1

  • New: 2 sec crossfading
  • Fixed: Disabled control to delete root folders

(Oct 2017) v.4.3

  • New: Folder Bookmarks

(Oct 2017) v.4.2.4

  • Fixed: playlist anomalies after track deletion
  • Fixed: artist in search
  • Fixed: skip files if unplayable by the OS (such as wma)

(July 2017) v.4.2.3

  • Fixed: app termination via notification widget
  • Turkish translation

(June 2017) v.4.2.2 (Free)

  • Improvements transfered from Pro
  • Added: Queue support (up to 3)
  • Added: As-is sorting

(May 2017) v.4.2.1 (Pro)

  • Fixed: queue restoration bug
  • Fixed: French translation updates
  • Fixed: Issues with exiting

(May 2017) v.4.2 (Pro)

  • New: "Add to Queue" feature (in track's context menu)
  • Added: As-Is sorting
  • Fixed: File Move crash

(Apr 2017) v.4.1.2 (Pro)

  • Fixed: Audio focus updates preventing interference from other media apps
  • Fixed: Highlighting anomalies
  • Fixed: Disappearing progress bar (sometimes)
  • Fixed: Glitches when playing deleted files

(Mar 2017) v.4.1.1 (Free)

  • Some fixes introduced in Pro applied to Free version

(Feb 2017) v.4.1.1 (Pro)

  • Fixed: Crash on exit
  • Fixed: Playback would not resume after phone call
  • Fixed: Headset button to skip tracks

(Feb 2017) v.4.1.0 (Pro)

  • New: Play tracks from search
  • Fixed: "Repeat one" playback bug
  • Fixed: "Large mode" small button issue
  • Fixed: Reposition progress bar in pause mode
  • Fixed: Potential memory leaks
  • Fixed: Search highlight duplication

(Jan 2017) v.4.0.3

  • Fixed: auto-orientation problem for Western European users

(Nov 2016) v 4.0.2 (Pro)

  • fixed: "Next Folder Auto Play"
  • fixed: Various crashes

(Oct 2016) v 4.0.1 (Free)

  • fixed: Android 7 compatibility
  • fixed: Ability to delete files from external storage
  • new: simplified root view

(Sep 2016) v 4.0.1 (Pro)

  • fixed: Compatibility with Sony and similar devices

(Sep 2016) v 4.0.0 (Pro)

  • fixed: Android 7 compatibility
  • fixed: Ability to delete files from external storage
  • new: simplified root view

(Sep 2016) v (Free)

  • fixed: External Equalizer is a setting now
  • fixed: Sorting in favorites (tags)
  • other minor fixes

(Sep 2016) v

  • (pro) External Equalizer is a setting now
  • other minor fixes

(Sep 2016) v

  • (pro) fixed: Equalizer in Android 6

(August 2016) v

  • (pro) fixed: Sorting in favorites (tags)
  • (pro) fixed: bug in next folder autoplay

(July 2016) v

  • New: Pro only: Resume playback on power connect
  • New: Pro only: 3 new CrossFading styles in settings
  • Fixed: Volume button trick advance was not working when screen was off
  • Fixed: Auto Folder playback - empty folders glitch

(May 2016) v 3.9.6

  • Added: Back command by triple-tapping on the headset button
  • Added: Folder browsing much faster
  • Fixed: For some audiobook playback finished too soon
  • Fixed: When opening folder, list would not always open at the top

(Apr 2016) v

  • Pro - Fixed missing features for some languages
  • Pro - Phone call integration fixes

(Mar 2016) v 3.9.5

  • (Pro) Option to stop on power loss
  • (Pro) Option to continue playback for next folder
  • Updated translations
  • Other minor enhancements

(Feb 2016) v

  • UI glitches after playlist finishes playing
  • Text color issues in notification
  • UI performance improvements

(Feb 2016) v

  • Fixed widget and media play button problems

(Jan 2016) v

  • New: Track duration and Parent Folder (as Album Name) announced to bluetooth now (if supported by bluetooth)
  • New: Option to restart playback when connecting headphones
  • New: Screen remains on when connected to power
  • New: Chinese translation (traditional)
  • Fixed: Progress bar animation now smooth
  • Fixed: Track/folder expand animation now smooth
  • Fixed: General UI performance improvements
  • Fixed: Player would not resume playback sometimes after being automatically paused for phone call
  • Fixed: Various widget glitches
  • Fixed: Crossfading for short tracks

(Sep 2015) v 3.9.3

  • Fixed: cached queries in search prevented from second search
  • Changed: Search indexes from home dir now
  • Changed: Updated popup menu icons
  • New: Autoscroll for long track names
  • New: Hindi translation
  • New: 1.5 sec crossfading option (Pro)

(June 2015) v 3.9.2

  • some of v 3.9 enhancements migrated to Free
  • Fixed: "Auto-Delete" reflectring correct totals now (Pro only)
  • Displaying status during app start
  • UI adjustments
  • Translations update (please send your updates if you see gaps!)

(May 2015) v 3.9 (Pro)

  • Added: New (optional) flat design
  • Added: Option to continue playback when headphones plugged in
  • Added: Option to disable Album art on lock screen
  • Fixed: progress bar anomalies at startup

(Mar 2015) v 3.8.2

  • Free version users: your big release in almost 3 months :)
  • Added: Large text setting makes buttons same size
  • Various stability improvements and minor bug fixes
  • Translation fixes

(Feb 2015) v 3.8 (Pro only)

Major release!
  • Changed: Major UI changes to maximize progress bar access: buttons layout, colors, progress bar, etc.
  • Added: Visibility to external apps: now can be integrated with more external apps, such as runtastic
  • Fixed: some battery issue when using with widget and taking calls in the middle of playback
  • Fixed: progress bar anomalies during auto rotation
  • Added: setting to disable track position saving (due to popular demand)
  • Fixed: Android 5+ background anomalies
  • Added: Optional sorting by last modified time

(Dec 2014) v 3.7

  • Added(Pro-only): Batch delete of tracks during playback
  • Fixed(Pro-only): Smoother transition in xfading (pro)
  • Added: now remembering individual track position
  • Added: "Last played" is now used by default if was picked last time
  • Added: Settings for large fonts

(Nov 2014) v 3.6.2

  • Reworked crossfading to fix first loud split-second and better "unpause" track
  • High-res screen optimization (for devices like Galaxy Note etc.)
  • Fixed: "Play last rememberd" in shuffle mode would reshuffle playlist again

(Nov 2014) v 3.6.2

  • Reworked crossfading to fix first loud split-second and better "unpause" track

(Oct 2014) v 3.6

  • High-res screen optimization (for devices like Galaxy Note etc.)
  • Fixed: "Play last rememberd" in shuffle mode would reshuffle playlist again

(September 2014) v 3.5.2

  • Fixed: Crash when reading large artwork files
  • Fixed: Battery drain (wakelock) in some mixed file\folder situations

(July 2014) v 3.5.1

  • Fixed: Battery drain (WakeLock) issues when using headsets or BlueTooth

(July 2014) v 3.5

  • Added: "Prev" button now has 2 functions: "Back" and "Restart"
  • Fixed: Deleting\Moving files on SD card would not work on Android 4.4 devices
  • Fixed: Some Virtualizer\BassBoost anomalies
  • Fixed: Sporadic pausing playback on Nexus 5 (possibly other) devices (wakelock issues) for large tracks
  • Fixed: Potential Excessive battery consumption in sleep mode

(May 2014) v 3.4.5

  • Fixed: Crossfading settings list anomalies
  • Fixed: Crossfading did not work correctly while ducking
  • Fixed: Random playback inside folder would (sometimes) stop if subdirectory was present in the same folser

(May 2014) v 3.4.4

  • Pro: ability to crossfade to 35 and 40 seconds
  • Prevent Android from shutting down player prematurely on memory hundgry devices
  • More options for navigation sound "ducking"

(Mar 2014) v 3.4.3 Free and Pro

  • Better support for custom fonts
  • Detection when MediaPlayer invoked in wrong state
  • Notification should now always show controls now
  • Remote control (stability) fixes
  • Back button would exit application incorrectly
  • Other stability fixes
  • Fixed missing album info in bluetooth
  • Added Chinese translation

(Feb 2014) v 3.4.2 Free and Pro

  • Fixed: excessive memory consumption would force player to stop\close on some devices
  • Added: Polish translation
  • Added: Disabling of animations in settings
  • Fixed: Progress bar improvements

(January 2014) v 3.4 Free and Pro

  • Fixed: Bluetooth track metadata compatibility issues for Android 4.3+
  • Added: Some accessibility improvements for visually impaired
  • Added: Artwork in lock screen
  • Added: Added artwork and playback control to notification bar

(December 2013) v 3.31 Free and Pro

  • fixed minor progress bar glitches
  • fixed in some phone configurations every other track played was silent (Suspect Android 4.3 update problems on Samsung S4)
  • fixed: corrected song counter in popup when playing folder
  • added: (initial) support for lock screen widget
  • fixed: Android 4.3 compatibility workaround for car bluetooth (caused by Android 4.3 update)

(September 16 2013) v 3.3

  • Crossfading and Custom tags (with full support in Pro version), YES, there is a Folder Player Pro edition!
Other Fixes and Improvements:
  • Dramatic performance boost for those storing many files on SDCard or having slow storage
  • "In folder" play mode - "prev" button fix would not pause playback of current song
  • Search: space at the end of the keyword would cause limited search results
  • Settings: Home Folder: now through picker
  • Progress bar - fixed transparency issues and now with better touch sensitivity

(August 19 2013) v 3.2

  • Core of the app has been updated to support new upcoming features. Visit to learn how to become a beta tester.
  • Fixed: After bringing player to front, active track would play outside visible area.
  • Fixed: Track progress bar disappears after app restart (folder playing mode)
  • MPGA file support
  • Fixed: Screen rotation during search index rebuilding would crash the app
  • Fixed display issues for songs having no MP3 tags

    (June 18 2013) v 3.1.2

    maintenance release: New: Fast forward Bluetooth button now skips 15 seconds Several stability improvements

    (May 10 2013) Version 3.1.1 (May 10 2013)

    Fixed: auto rotation crash in settings

    (May 6 2013) Version 3.1

  • Opening audio files from external apps
  • .wav support
  • New UI translations (now supporting cs da de es fr he it nl pt ru)
  • "Disabled" icons more visible now, brighter application icon
  • Some stability improvements

    (April 14 2013) Version 3.0

    Celebrating reaching 100,000 active users in April 2013 ! :-)

  • Only Android 4+ phones are supported going forward (no new versions for 2.3 devices - sorry!) (see FAQ if you *really* have to know why)
  • The main reason for this update - Search! :-)
  • User Interface is new and now consistent with Android 4+ layouts
  • UI is translatable to different languages. Currently supporting: English, Russian, German, Danish, Hebrew
    (I need volunteers to translate UI to other languages! Please contact me online on the main website)
  • Back button at the root folder closes the app
  • Long tap on Fast Forward button skips 15 seconds
  • Added MP2 file support
  • Updated "Tips" screen

    As always: free, efficient and no annoying ads !